Software Solutions
Note: the software downloads available below are no longer supported by ATAC.
Autoscope Intersection Volume Reader
The Autoscope Intersection Volume Reader program was developed by ATAC to store, process, and analyze volume data from Autoscope traffic cameras. The tool was developed to provide summary information for approach turning movement and intersection volumes.
CORTools is a set of tools developed by ATAC to use with the TSIS software package. CORTools consists of two pieces of software, CORSeed and COROut. CORSeed provides an easy way to generate seed files for performing multiple simulation runs with TSIS. COROut is an output processor which reads in the individual output files from each simulation run and compiles them allowing the user to easily extract the data that is needed and generate custom reports.
MarcNX Intersection Volume Reader
The MarcNX Intersection Volume Reader was developed by ATAC to process, store, and analyze detector volume data from EAGLE traffic signal controllers. The tool was developed to provide summary information for approach turning movement and intersection volumes.
Permissive Period Calculator
The Permissive Period Calculator (PPC) is a utility developed by ATAC to perform permissive period and force-off calculations. The program provides the output values and graphical representation of the permissive windows. These values may be entered into traffic signal controllers as well as traffic simulation models.